
The Parasite

A ghost ship, crewed by cannibal rats, is reported to be heading towards the British Isles.

The Anthropological Study of Infrastructure

An introduction to infrastructure studies from anthropology

Some questions after move 37

The implications of the unexpected move 37 played by the AlphaGo AI in game 2 against Lee Sedol.

Reading Signals in a World beyond Use

A workshop for imagining the use of GPS signals in a world where its current uses do not exist


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Capture All Parasitic Value

Notes to a keynote by Tiziana Terranova at Transmediale Capture All_Work

An overview of theories about regulation of technology

Regulation of Technology -- an overview


Gender Blending and the Limits of Queer

Discussed the limits of queer in control society

Piracy, Code and Law

Presentation about control, code, immaterialization and law and piracy as the disturbance of the flow of control.

Second Information Revolution

New developments in digital technologies challenges conceptions from the internet era

Electricity and Software, Infrastructures of Everyday Life

On passive and active relations to everyday infrastructures

A Comment of the Accelerationist Manifesto

I have written about accelerationism before so now that a new accelerationist manifesto is out I thought I would comment it briefly. The manifesto is linked ...

A Travellers Report

Reflection of coming to a new place

Law as Print Media

Mireille Hildebrandt on law as print media

New Position and Design

I have a new research position and the blog has a new design.

The Materialization of Code

Paper about the materiality of computer code

Falling Drones

What is the probability of getting hit in the head by a falling drone?

Things and Objects

Commentary on the book "Things" from Bill Brown

Hot Line Riot 17 September 1982

On September 17th 1982 a thousand young people gathered in the Rålambshovs park in Stockholm seemingly without purpose. The police attacked the crowd which t...

Internet Everywhere

Comments on an old Art Forum article from Claire Bishop

The Governmentality of Risk Management and Resiliens in the Face of Crises

About the contemporary culture of constant, decentralized risk management and preparedness in the face of multiple crises and information uncertainties.

Photography and the History of Hacking

Book chapter I write for "The Reader - North/South, River Run" produced by The School of Photography at the University of Gothenburg.

Conspiracies for Good

Critical take on the philosophy of conspiracy from Julian Assange with examples from The Wire (includes SPOILERS).

On the Coming Golden Age of Open Hardware

Some trends that have up until now favored large, closed manufacturing could shift in the coming years and tilt the balance of power in favor of small scale ...

The Alternatives, Defences and Attacks of Net Politics

The relation between three tendencies in net politics and how they risk sabotaging for each other.

From Digital Technology to (and back to) Network Cultures

Version of a presentation held at seminar in Lund discussing the possibilities of starting up an internet research institute

Situerad teknikutveckling (från Power of Adhocracy)

Reflections from Power of Adhocracy seminar on situated knowledge and technology interventions.

Internauts, Punks and Infrastructure

Is 100 mbit the speed limit of the free internet? Paper from the seminar "Consuming the Illegal".

Personal communication

The Personal Computer, this machine that we access on an individual basis, connected to static power sockets and broadband connection inside our home, ha...

Two ways of influencing

Our worldviews are shaped by the streams of information that reaches us. Which sources of information we follow, what their output is, which other sources in...

Managing Information Uncertainties in Real-time Politics

Internet has in the last years developed an astonishing ability to react to events in real-time and affect them as they are happening. This is truly an evolu...

Lava Philosophy

There has been an entertaing debate in the philosophical blogosphere recently and the battle is ones again between object-oriented philosophy and it’s discon...


Get Real

I was reading Mark Fishers account of the london protests yesterday (read it!) and started thinking about what he says about pop culture. Developing his line...

Free Culture Forum presentation on Information Fetishism

This post treats the conceptual role of information in discussions at the Free Culture Forum and problems associated with equating cultural expressions with ...

Accelerationism I

Nick Land, Skynet och den cybernetiska intensifieringen

On the Pirate Bay in Florence

In the end of May I was in a panel debate in Florence at the Terra Futura festival. The festival was mostly about ecological issues but it also had an intern...

Pentagon lär ut samtida informationshantering

I något obskyrt skyffe inne på Pentagon sitter den pensionerade brigadgeneralen Huba Wass de Czege och skriver en text om historisk och samtida militär använ...

Smitta och plattform

Det här inlägget är ett utvecklande och invecklande av en kommentar på copyriot. Inlägget handlade om länkning, kollektiv i bloggar och individualitet i blog...

Svarar brittiskt galleri

Visst, jag är en kass bloggare som återanvänder intervjusvar och inte skriver kontinuerligt. Jag känner skammen! Här kommer i varje fall ett svar till ett br...

Svar på italienska frågor

Ska till florens om en månad och svara på frågor till bloggen för tillställningen:

Fighting the 3D Reptiles

This post will be an english summary and extension of my talk at festa dei pirati in Rome, Italy on the 20th of March. It was called “Fighting the 3D Reptil...

Pop culture and tunnels

I used to love pop. Pop in the various indies of the 90’s was great, when it was taken as a serious subject of analysis and being. Styles evolved, tastes wer...


I mitt arbete på Interaktiva Institutet har jag rest på en hel del konferenser ordnade av diverse EU-finansierade forskarcommunities inom det EU kallar “Futu...


The nobel prize winner Barack Obama has at least done something during his presidential period. He finanzed a war in Mexico. The war on drugs. American dolla...

Transitio Clinic

(Summary of a clinic, a deppening and intimate format giving warm associations to Guattari and SPK, about Piratbyrån at the Transitio festival here in Mexico...

Transitio symposium

(Talk given at transitio_mx 09) I will begin to introduce myself and Piratbyrån, the bureau for piracy. And use our development as an entry point to talk abo...


Summary of the transmisol workshop with Jamie Allen and Geraldine Juarez. Participants are to build solar powered micro transmitters of FM radio.

Något händer med webben just nu

Något händer med webben just nu. I vakuumet innan google waves impact. Från flera håll dyker det upp tankar och tinkande som försöker knyta ihop webben. Bort...

YAHP (Yet Another Heidegger Post)

Graham Harman är amerikansk filosof verksam vid universitetet i Kairo som är en del av filosofi- och bloggnätverket som går under namnet speculative realism ...

Self-contained objectnetwork

23:02:17 @   klangboten !addtarget take-over on facebok-event function 23:02:46 @   klangboten .make self-contained objectnetworks...

Trassel och flykt: medier i Ghana

Från Don Slater och Janet Kwami kommer studien “Embeddedness and escape: Internet and mobile use as poverty reduction strategies in Ghana”. Studien handlar o...

Teorias Del Caos

Just did a performance/speech on Bambuser together with the picnic “Teorias Del Caos” in Mexico City. The topic was “The internet is chaos, well so is capita...

Presentation in Milan: Hackmeeting 2009

This is a re-write of the presentation I held at the Hackmeeting in Milan last Saturday. As I had already published the other two presentations I decided to ...

Presentation in Milano: My view of Chaos and Randomness

After the last presentation I was asked a very good question. Having noticed that the Persian Bay was a collaboration with anonymous and that I despite of th...

Presentation in Milano: Variations on the theme of openess

This is the second presentation in Milano a few hours after the last one and with a bigger crowd. It was a part of five presentation giving variations of the...

Presentation in Milano on the Pirate Party and Internet Swarms

This is a re-write of the first presentation i did in Milano around lunch time the 18th of june in the faculty of political science with an audience made up ...

Presentation in Moscow on books, networks and embassies

This is the presentation I held on june 14th in Moscow at the book festivalin front of an audience of maybe 50 people, many of whom approached me with very i...

Råd till nästa veckas ambassadörer

Nästa vecka bär det alltså av till Venedigbiennalen med projektet Embassy of Piracy. Men vad innebär det egentligen att skapa en ambassad för internet och va...

Overheadfestival del I: Verena Kuni

Den senaste veckan och veckan som kommer har det varit och är det overhead-festival i Malmö. Festivalen beskriver sig som “ en internationell mediekonstfesti...

Internet noll - Del 3. Att måla med data

Neil Gershenfeld talar i föredraget längst ner på den här sidan mer utförligt om hans koncept internetnoll som jag berörde i tidigare inlägg. Neil jobbar vid...

Internet noll - Del 2. Fel moln!

Ett lågintensivt, mikroskopisk, distribuerat och gemensamt internet noll, enklare och långsammare, men mer hållbart? Parallellt med ett högintensivt med hier...

Smitta, geometri, information - om svinfluensan

Har för tillfället Manuel Delandas “A Thousand Years of Non-linear History” på nattduksbordet. Boken beskriver människans icke-mänskliga historia de senaste ...

Brev från Sverige till Serbien

Fortsatte den svensk-serbiska vänskapen med ett brev som förklarar atmosfären idag.

Dark Alley? Call for Help

Use SafetyNet’s map to select bad neighborhoods. Then, if you end up > in a sketchy area, your mobile will switch into watchdog mode. If > trouble a...

Ownership and Belonging

Nedan följer fri omarbetning av anteckningarna inför presentationen på horitzo.tv. För er som känner till Piratbyrån och svensk fildelnings-debatt finns det ...

SPLAB I - Presentationen

Första inlägget från SPLAB-konferensen som alltså var ett tredagars-evenemang i Malmö 6-8 maj. SpontanLab (Laboratoriet för Spontankultur) är ett forsknings-...

Ars Electronica FESTIVAL

The age of copyright and intellectual property has reached its > expiration date.

Quote by Anna-Lena Carlsson about Nietzsche and creativity

The artist has practised and sharpened his power of judgement into a > sharpness of the senses and a feeling of enhanced power when he > chooses, di...

Remember Everything - Stiegler och GTD

Jag har spenderat senaste dagen med att försöka få ordning i myllret av anteckningar som är utspridda på datorn, i googles webapplikationen och i undangömda ...

En arkitektur som litteratur

Översättningar av, anteckningar till och citat från:


Ett inlägg skrivet efter en förhandsvisning av ett antal videoverk som ska visas på Transmediale08. Sammanställt en månad senare. I flera av verken som visad...


Cyborg und Exoskeleton in irssi

monki I thought about how most of the reasearch we looked at was about helping people with disabilities j yes monki It’s lik...

Unfinished aestethics

Som vi såg i förra inlägget så införde vi ett till lager i diagrammet som gör att vi inte enbart fokuserar på verk och slutprodukter. De streckade linjerna r...

P2P seminar @ ku.dk

Seminar with Michel Bauwens at Copenhagen University today. Bauwens is the head of the P2P Foundation and a full time advocate of p2p as a new, emergent form...

Notes on Networks

1)When people meet a stranger on the other side of the world and they find out that they have some common acquaintance, the reaction is usually one of surpri...

Unfinished notes on Richard Florida

The idea of Richard Floridas book The Rise of the Creative Class is: when production has moved to the third world, immaterial production and creativity is th...

Rhythmic Information

The cultural critique model of originality vs. standardisation, is the wrong way of viewing culture. Variations on standard themes function as social objects...

Sound Days

Det här är ungefär vad jag pratade om på Sound Days i Köpenhamn idag. En (inte direkt välbesökt) träff där företag, institutioner och studenter träffades kri...

Too Short on Information

1) I’ve often encountered TV-crews having a hard time visualizing what goes on in the net and how information is shared and I’ve been thinking of how the com...

Två recensioner


My Music Collection - The World

I don’t own my music collection the way you own a physical record. I don’t even know what’s in there and it doesn’t really matter. It’s a large chunk of data...



Paper + presentation framförd vid litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen i Lund


Speech for Piratbyrån @ Bzoom festival in Brno, Czech rep. Powerpoint slides can be found here Piratbyrån Piratbyrån is a cluster with fuzzy borders, a netwo...

Free establishment of communications (abstract)

A lot of ideas and concepts of open wireless networks being experimental and visionary just a few years ago are now reality, ready to be implemented commerci...